For Mother’s Day, DoorDash wanted to remind users that they can actually order flowers directly on the app. But it didn’t take a ton of research to discover that moms, particularly those with older millennial children, would much have take quality time with their kids over a delivered bouquet.
We decided to encourage people to make time for their moms. After discovering that 1 in 6 people live far away from their moms, we decided to find people who hadn’t seen theirs in over a year and “delivered” them straight to mom’s door, flowers in hand. As a Highly Sentimental Certified Momma’s Boy,™ this was the perfect brief to tackle.
We also partnered with creators, including The Basement Yard to create and produce our own interview segment. They got to “bring mom to work” and get to know them a little better.
Delivered 400K Flowers to Moms (+40% YoY)
Drove $22.3M in flower sales (+26.3% YoY)
Impressions: 36.8M
Engagements: 284.5K
Hit 12% category share of voice (+3% YoY growth) (a really big deal according to the numbers people)